Archives 25/02/2024

Can you do a day trip from Marrakech to Chefchaouen

Can you do a day trip from Marrakech to Chefchaouen

Yes, you can do a day trip from vibrant Marrakech to the blue city of Chefchaouen by train, bus, or taxi. But unless you’re short on time, I’d advise against it. The journey takes around 7.5 hours, covering 577 km, and you’ll miss out on many great sights along the way.

So, you’ve heard about the enchanting blue streets of Chefchaouen and you’re contemplating a day trip from Marrakech to experience its magic. While it’s technically feasible to cover the distance in a day, let’s dive into why this might not be the most rewarding option.

Yes, it’s true – the journey spans a considerable 577 kilometers and takes roughly 7,5 hours by car. That’s a substantial amount of time spent…